Why can't I stop thinking about the past?

While there is value in living in the present moment, most of us spend a good deal of time thinking about our past. Whether it's our recent past or events that occurred years ago, for better or worse the past shapes us in ways that are sometimes difficult to understand. Unfortunately, we are not solely impacted by our past positive experiences and are frequently also shaped by past the negative ones.
Although there is nothing wrong with remembering the past with fondness, sometimes our brains latch onto painful memories, no matter how hard we try to let them go. Such negative events can remain unprocessed in our brains and cause stronger-than-expected emotional reactions to seemingly everyday situations. Traumatic events that our brains may struggle to process can vary from life-threatening situations (sexual assault, domestic violence, natural disasters, etc) to events where we aren’t physically in danger but still find distressing (bullying, breakups/divorce, loss of a pet, death of a loved one, etc). 
If you’re reading this, you are likely aware that memories cause pain for years after they’ve occurred. Some memories may elicit a cringe, while others may trigger more intense distress, sadness, guilt, anger, and other difficult emotions. Have you ever found yourself feeling triggered by an everyday situation that somehow reminds you of a painful experience from the past? Whether it was an unkind word from a loved one, a scene from a movie, or maybe something else that on the surface seems innocuous, triggers transport us back in time and often leave us feeling out of control.
If your past experiences continue to impact your day-to-day functioning, there are therapeutic options that can help take the sting out of painful memories. One such option is Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR). If you are interested in discussing whether or not you’d be a good candidate for EMDR, please reach out today for a free consultation phone call.

I’m Amanda Parmley, MA, LCMHC, a therapist who specializes in working with adults navigating anxiety, trauma, and low self-esteem. I offer online & in-person appointments at Carolina Beach, NC. Interested in learning more? Reach out today: 

Breaking Free from People-Pleasing: Understanding, Overcoming, and Putting Yourself First